
When to Consider Gum Grafting

Gum grafting is often considered as part of the treatment plan for individuals with periodontal disease.

Exploring Gum Grafting Techniques

Gum grafting reduces gum recession and prevents it from progressing.

What Is Gum Grafting?

Gum recession is one of the most prevalent periodontal health concerns, often necessitating gum grafting.

Reasons an Oral Surgeon Would Perform a Gum Graft

A gum graft from an oral surgeon can improve the appearance and health of your smile. Gum recession is a common oral health problem where the gums pull back from the teeth, making them look elongated. This is not just […] Continue Reading

Reasons Why a Gum Grafting Procedure May Be Recommended for You

Gum grafting is an oral surgery that involves the removal of soft tissue from one part of the oral cavity or body. The soft tissue is then transferred to the gum lines, whether it be the top or bottom. Gum […] Continue Reading

When is a Gum Graft Recommended?

A gum graft is a procedure performed in order to essentially replace gum tissue. The gums play an essential role in the function and health of the teeth and the entire oral cavity. Because of the role that the gums […] Continue Reading

Five Tips For Gum Graft Recovery

A gum graft is a dental procedure done in order to restore the health and appearance of the soft tissues of the mouth, also known as the gums. The soft tissues can become severely affected when gum disease or cavities […] Continue Reading

How Do I Know if I Need Gum Grafting?

Gum grafting refers to procedures performed in order to replace missing soft tissues in the oral cavity. The soft tissues, also known as the gums, play a huge role in the function of the teeth. Without the gums, the teeth […] Continue Reading

Gum Grafting: FAQs

Gum grafting is a procedure that is performed in order to repair, correct, and restore the soft tissues of the oral cavity that hold the teeth in place. The soft tissues, also known as the gums, play a crucial role […] Continue Reading

Three Important Facts About Gum Grafting

Gum grafting is usually done to augment the gum tissue lost to gum recession caused by infection. Gum recession causes the gums to waste away gradually until the tooth roots are exposed. Since the gum tissues are not self-regenerative, gum […] Continue Reading